Magical Herbs and picking them
How to Pick them
-Only take what you can use
-Percentage of what you pick ⅓ is my rule
-I don’t like collecting in wild areas and instead pick in already developed areas
-Be responsible
-Only pick what you can use
-You are now responsible and must use all materials
-Hang to Dry
-Use Fresh
Local Wild Plants to use in your Witchcraft, and Rituals
-Alfalfa-grows from about June until September
(Abundance and wealth) Historically used to feed animals and was seen as an offering?
-Cedar-only collect downed branches unless your neighbor is having their tree cut back (wind storms)
(Cleansing, stops bad dreams, healing, protects, draws money)
-Roman Chamomile-grows best in June and early July
(Calming, protection, and cleansing)
-Chicory-July and August
(Promotes Frugality, Removes Obstacles)
-Purple Dead Nettle-one of the first of the season popping up in march and april
(Lift’s Spirits, and feel more grounded, enhance fortitude, willpower, security and stability.)
-Queen Anne’s Lace-August and September
(Renewal and providing a clean slate on which to build anew, open’s door ways between worlds)
(Strength, Health, resilience. Helps one build a mental shield against the outside world)
-Poison Hemlock-Spring
-St. John’s Wort-June and July
(Protection, lifts one's spirits and wards off sadness, used to banish demons)
-Tansy (health and longevity. Respect for Female ancestors) and Ragwort (Protection)-July and August
-Deadly Nightshade-May-July and Poke Weed-August-October