Some thoughts about Runes
So when I initially started working with the Runes I had no idea that there was a particular order that they followed. I had met the Runes through a friend/crush (trust me it was complicated…at least for me…) He wanted to get some Runes tattooed. I was so intrigued by their shapes and the idea of combining them into Bind Runes that I bought Futhark by Erdred Thorsson. I was hooked, and it was the beginning of a long rabbit hole which I still continue down to this day. My first Rune Journal (if you want to get fancy, Grimoire) was ordered based on which Runes that I liked the most and not the normal sequence that you see in most books, mostly because I didn’t even know that there was a historical way that they were ordered. What’s really funny is that when I look back at it, most of my favorites at that point are still my favorites. I feel like I should add that all of my journals since, are in the correct order according to all the books. It makes it easier to research, and organize that way. No pressure on you to do the same. If you’d like to put Pertho first then who am I to judge?
Fun fact! I was so intrigued by Bind Runes that it took me at least a year to make my first Rune set.
I’m not an expert. I feel like that is important to state, there are so many people out there who have studied longer or delved deeper than I have. What I am is curious. I’m curious to know the Runes better, and try to understand them in all of their glory. They are complicated and dynamic entities, and I think summing them up in a simple way does not do them justice. I’ve read and/or own bunches of books on Runes and I feel that they only equal the tip of the iceberg. Because I view them as entities, some of the Runes are my besties. We hang out a bunch, and I most likely use them in the Bind Runes I make. Others I might occasionally get coffee with and some I’m not very fond of. Like any entity we all have our likes, dislikes and own personalities. We don’t necessarily have to like everyone but should attempt to treat each other with respect and understanding. Curiosity for me is an important way of working with something I might not like. Why don’t I like it? Why do others like it? One of the coolest things about the Rune Meetup that I facilitate is that I get to learn why others like a Rune that I’m not fond of.
Since I perceive Runes to be Entities same as me, animals, plants, etc. (I’m solidly a Pagan and an Animist, more about that in another post at a later time.)Then there are different ways to know them and different facets to them. An example: My relationship with my friend is different from the relationship they have with their parents, siblings, boss, etc. I read somewhere that there are hundreds of different versions of me floating around in different peoples' brains, most of which are different from the version of me in my own head. Anyways, that got a bit rambley… I hope you are following. The same goes for any entity, my relationship with Naudhiz is bound to be different than yours. How do I know this? Because my relationship with Naudhiz is different from those I’ve read about in various books. I’m a believer in Unverified Personal Gnosis, for short UPG. I believe that it’s difficult to understand the experiences of others and the ways that they show up or know the world. I believe that more often than not we should trust our intuition.