Other Side Incense


Other Side powder is the perfect accompaniment to trance work, calling in spirits and contacting or venerating ancestors. Spooky season is upon us and they are a great way to have a glimpse of the Other Side. Maybe this is TMI but I made it specifically to talk to my dad who passed on in 2022. All the herbs were picked specifically for that purpose but they work equally good for any reason that causes one to look beyond the veil and to protect one while doing so.

Borage: Induces psychic powers. Helps one communicate with those who have passed.

Clove: Creates spiritual vibrations and rids one of any negative forces.

Marigold: Honors those who have passed and promotes prophetic dreams.

Mastic: Aids in manifesting spirits.

Mugwort: Enhances and enables astral projection, psychic powers and lucid dreaming.

Peony: Drives off evil spirits and protects your soul.

Rosemary: Purifies and protects. Honors those who are passed and enhances ones memory of them.

Rowan: Protects and enhances psychic Powers.

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All the information about the herbs is on the inside of the wrapper along with brief instructions for use making them a perfect gift!

Each of these bottles holds 25ml of plant material. They are 3" tall and 1" diameter.

These materials are not food grade and therefore should not be ingested or smoked.

All statements above are based on magical knowledge and do not stand in for medical knowledge. (Iā€™m definitely not a doctor and instead am just an artist, and though I really hate this word, a maker.