Sweet Dreams Loose Incense


Send yourself off to sweet dreams! So I have really horrible sleeping issues if I'm not careful and tend to my needs properly. I suffer from really bad nightmares so I'm always looking for a way to keep them at bay. I've gotten really good at it over the years and most nights I can't remember my dreams at all. When one gets through it tends to be really important but those are stories for a different day.

The other sleep issue that I suffer from involves anxiety. It's not really insomnia since I don't usually have a hard time getting to sleep. The problem is that I'll wake up at 2 or 3 am with what I've always called "Racing Brain". It's like my brain just can't let go of some idea. It usually happens when I'm anxious about something. Money. Relationship. Work. Yes to all of the above.

The way I've learned how to work with the maladies above is by having a stead fast meditation ritual. I burn herbs before sleep, drink my tea and put on luscious lavender lotion. (see what I did there?!? Sorry I can't help myself when alliteration happens....) Anyways, I can't offer you tea or lavender lotion, but I got you covered with the burning of herbs!

Cedar: Cures bad dreams

Chamomile: Calms and relaxes

Elecampane: Protects and enhances lucid and prophetic dreams

Lavender: Helps one fall asleep

Mugwort: Prophetic dreams

Penny Royal: Keeps your secrets safe while you dream

Rosemary: Keeps nightmares away

Valerian: Induces sleep

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All the information about the herbs is on the inside of the wrapper along with brief instructions for use making them a perfect gift!

Each of these bottles holds 20ml of plant material. They are 3.25" tall and .75" diameter.

These materials are not food grade and therefore should not be ingested or smoked.

All statements above are based on magical knowledge and do not stand in for medical knowledge. (Iā€™m definitely not a doctor and instead am just an artist, and though I really hate this word, a maker.